
The Great Horned Owl in Miniature - Part 2

Attention to detail will make this owl really great

By: Al Jordan

Painting the great horned owl seems like a daunting task. So take a deep breath and let’s think this through. Great horned owls come in many color variations. They can be very, very dark, almost black, and—on the other end of the spectrum—they can be almost white, with little to no barring. The typical great horned owl in the Northeast is a medium to dark brown, with flashes of a sienna-orange color and several areas of white. The browns occur as barring and cryptic patterns of dots and slashes on a backdrop of the orange and whites. This colorful Northeastern bird is what we’ll be painting in this article.

The paints I’ll be using are a fairly new brand: Atelier, a free-flow artists’ acrylic paint. It is a high-end artists’ paint that has a very rich pigment and color. I have found it available through Jaymes Company. It is very compatible with the airbrush and paintbrush.

Read the complete article in Wildfowl Carving Magazine's Spring 2016 issue.


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