

Bird Carving Videos

ODCCA Decoy Judging                                               

One tank is just not enough when you have this many decoys to judge. The… More

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Judging Wood Ducks at ODCCA Part Two                                                                                 

Wood duck drakes are beautiful birds, so they are always a popular subject… More

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ODCCA Ballroom Activity                                                       

Most of the Ohio Decoy Collectors and Carvers Association show takes place… More

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48th Annual Easton Waterfowl Festival - Rechin                                                                                                     

Master Carver Jeff Rechin talks about a few of his carvings from the 48th… More

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48th Annual Easton Waterfowl Festival - Baldwin                                                                                                       

Tom Baldwin talks about his new book, Three Bird Carvings, at the Easton… More

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48th Annual Easton Waterfowl Festival - Antiques                                                                                                         

The Ward Museum provided a collection of antique decoys at the Easton… More

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ODCCA Duck Table                                         

There's a dizzying array of duck and goose species on hand at the Ohio… More

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48th Annual Easton Waterfowl Festival - Madden                                                                                                     

As Mark Maddens sign says, he is obsessed with owls. Check out this video… More

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