
Summer 2018

Table of Contents: 

Painting Notes: Clark's Nutcracker
(Make William Clark proud with your painting.)
By Jerry Poindexter

Demonstration: The Delta Marsh Canvasback
(This simple decoy style has an interesting history.)
By Keith Hendrickson

Demonstration: The Greater Yellowlegs, Part One
("Greater" is not a judgment call. Make it a lesser if you prefer.)
By Del Herbert

Demonstration: Rodents Beware, Part One
(Carve a barn owl that will make mice tremble.)
By Jerry Simchuk

Demonstration: The Maine Way, Part Two
(The real antiques provide only the starting point for this modern interpretation.)

Showcase: Altered Landscapes
(Carver Tom Baldwin puts his birds in man-made environments.)
By Tom Huntington

Reference: American White Pelican
(These birds are weird but wonderful.)
By Rick Burkman

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