Events are listed alphabetically by state or province within eight geographic regions: New England, Mid-Atlantic, Chesapeake Bay, South, Midwest, West, Canada, and International. We strive to bring you the most accurate and complete listing information available on carving events around the globe. If you would like your show to appear in the Events Directory, or if you need to update your listing, contact Tom Huntington (thuntington@ampry Upcoming deadlines for additions and changes to the directory are May 1, 2020, for the Summer issue (covering shows from July through December 2020); August 1, 2020, for the Fall issue (covering shows from October 2020 through March 2021); November 1, 2020, for the Winter issue (covering shows from January through June 2021); and February 1, 2021, for the Spring issue (covering shows from April through September 2021). Note: Unexpected changes do occur. Please contact each show you plan to attend to confirm details. The Events Directory is the property of Wildfowl Carving Magazine. Listings are not to be duplicated in any publication without the magazine’s written consent.
2020 Maine Coast Competition
July 11–12 2020. Blue Goose Center, 1184 Atlantic Hwy, Northport. Hours: Sat 9a–5p, Sun 9a–4p. Entries taken Fri 12p–6p and Sat 7a–9a. Free admission. Find rules at Contact: Steve Moody, 207.722.3086,
Oglebay Woodcarvers Guild Showand Sale
Sept 5–6, 2020. Oglebay Park, off I-70 on WV Rt. 88, Wheeling. Free admission, free parking. Contact: Clark Adams, clark@uni
50th Annual Ward World Championship Wildfowl Carving Competition and Art Festival
Apr 24–26, 2020. Roland E. Powell Convention Center, 40th and Coastal Hwy, Ocean City. Hours: Fri 10a–5p, Sat 9a–5p; award ceremony, 5:30p; Sun 10a–4p. Admission: multi-day pass: $10, seniors and students $8, children under 12 free (with adult); group rate for 6 or more: $6 per person. An international event for carvers, collectors, and visitors, with some 1,200 different wildfowl carvings representing more than 150 species from around the world. Competitors of all levels—from youth to world champions—compete for nearly $60,000 in prize money, as well as ribbons, medallions, plaques, and trophies. More than 40 different competitive divisions. Special activities in honor of 50th annual show. Contact:
Havre de Grace Decoy and Wildlife
Arts Festival
May 2–3, 2020. Havre de Grace Middle School and Decoy Museum, 215 Giles St., Havre de Grace. Hours: Sat 8:30a–6p, Sun 10a–4p. Admission: $10. More than 100 artists exhibiting and selling their artwork, plus food, children’s activities, retriever demonstrations, carving competitions, and more. Contact: 410.939.3739, information@decoy;
Chincoteague Island Easter Decoy and Art Festival
Apr 10–11, 2020. Chincoteague Combined School, 4586 Main St., Chincoteague Island. Hours: Fri noon–6p; Sat 9a–4p. Admission: $4, children under 12 free. Local and national carvers and artists of all kinds exhibit and sell their work at this Chincoteague Island tradition. Contact:;
Chincoteague Decoy Carvers’ and Artists’ Association Decoy Show
Sept 5–6, 2020. Community Center, 6155 Community Dr., Chincoteague. Local carvers and artists display their work. Sat 9a–5p, Sun 10a–4p. Contact: Cinda Walls, 410.546.1635, or 410.726.4049
North Arkansas Woodcarving Show and Sale
May 2–3, 2020. Baxter County Fairgrounds, 157 Fairgrounds Dr., Mountain Home. Hours: Sat 10a–5p, Sun 10a–4p. Woodcarvers,
woodturners, demonstrations, food, door prizes. Contact: Bonnie Davis, 870.431.8591,; Sandy Smith, 870.431.8070,;
The North American Vintage Decoy and Sporting Collectibles Show
Apr 21–25, 2020. Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles. MegaCenter exhibit hall event hours: Fri 2p–7p, Sat 9a–2p. Admission $5. Room-to-room trading, two-day decoy auction, nearly 350 dealer tables, carving demonstrations, silent auctions, freeappraisals. Contact: 586.530.6586;
Sangamon Valley Woodcarvers Show
Sept 5-6, 2020. The Illinois Building, Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield. Hours: Sat 10a–5p, Sun 10a–4p. Includes woodcarving, intarsia, woodturning, and pyrography. Nineteen competition categories with case and/or ribbons, plus vendors, drawings, and seminars. Contact: Bill Rice, 217.414.4790;;
Carv-Fest 2020
Aug 6-8, 2020. Ice Arena, Alexander Park, Fairbault. Some 48 woodcarving and craft workshops, on-site camping, carving auction, sales, wood and tool vendors, sharpening demos, beginner classes., 507.339.0336;
West County Woodcarvers 15th Annual Woodcarver’s Show
Sept 12, 2020. Salem in Ballwin UMC, 14825 Manchester Rd., Ballwin. Hours: 10a-4p. Free admission. Contact: Larry Keller, 636. 227.4598;
Lorain County Woodcarvers Club Carving Show
Sept 18–19, 2020. Building #14, Lorain County Fairgrounds (west of St. Rte. 58 on St. Rte. 11), Wellington. Hours: Fri 8a–5p, Sat 8a–5p, Sun 9a–3p. Fee: $3; free parking. Carving supplies and wood vendors; LaGrange steam engine show and huge flea market also on site. Contact: Suzanne Kristoff, 440.935.2256;
Wisconsin Waterfowl Association Decoy Carving Competition and Exhibition
July 31–Aug 4, 2020. George W. Mead Wildlife Education Center, 201517 County Rd. S, Milladore. Hours: Fri 9a–5p, Sat 9a–5p. Admission: $5 donation, children free. Featuring IWCA classes (hosting the IWCA Canvas Championship) and non-IWCA classes, with cash and ribbon awards, live carving and painting demonstrations, and exhibits. Contact: 262.968.1722;;
Lake Country Carvers Show and Sale
Aug 1, 2020. Life Enrichment Center, 1306 West Wisconsin Ave., Oconomowoc. Hours: 10am–4pm. Free admission. Contact: Ray Burow 920-474-4075;
Birds in Art Exhibition
Sept 12–Nov. 29, 2020. Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, 700 North 12th St. (Franklin & 12th), Wausau. Since 1976, the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum has presented the best contemporary artistic interpretations of birds and related subject matter in two- and three-dimensional artworks in all media other than crafts and photography. Approximately 100 juried works. Contact:;
Rock River Valley Carvers of Wisconsin Show and Sale
Sept 26, 2020. Craig Center at Rock County Fairgrounds. 1301 Craig Ave., Janesville. Hours: 9a–4p. Free admission. Contact: Brad Crandall,, 608.931.0188
50th Annual Pacific Flyway Decoy Association Wildlife Art Festival
July 18–19, 2020. Double Tree Hotel, 2001 Point West Way, Sacramento. Open, inter-
mediate, and novice levels. Mail-ins welcome. Carving categories: decorative floating, CWA Decoy of the Year, PFDA traditional hunting decoys (floating pairs), D.U. contemporary style decoy, gunning shorebirds, junior carver event, wall-hangers, and the CWA 3-Bird Rig. Live painting contest, Friday night reception, Saturday night banquet and auction. Decoy collectors, appraisals, sales, and trades. Contact: Fritz Zanker, 530.894.5951; Bob Solari, 925.687.2013;
Pikes Peak Whittlers’ Woodcarving and Woodworking Show and Competition
May 16–17, 2020. Colorado Springs Shrine Club, 6 South 33rd St., Colorado Springs. Sat 10a–5p, Sun 10a–4p. Admission: $3 adult, $2 military and children, children under 12 free with paid adult admission. Contact: Steve Gurnett, 719.339.5164,
33rd Annual Columbia Flyway Wildlife Show & Competition
Aug 29–30, 2020. Vancouver Water Resources Education Center, 4600 S.E. Columbia Way, Vancouver. Hours: Sat 10a–5p, Sun. 10a–4p. Free admission, Free seminars Sat and Sun. Three-hour fee seminar ($50) Fri 10a–1p. Saturday banquet and auction. More than $10,000 in cash awards. Contact: Jerry Harris, 503.884.7095,; Randy Martin, 503.668.8348,; www.columbia; or on Facebook
Spokane Carvers Artistry in Wood
Sept 26–27, 2020. Salvation Army Center, 222 E Indiana, Spokane. Registration Fri 3:30p–6:30p. Hours: Sat 9a–5p, Sun noon–4p. Admission: $5.00. Special categories: happiest holiday, wood turnings, and ALF (Almost Finished). Contact: Tim Rahman, 509.244.3467;;
Registration and mail-ins: Ken Edgerly, 509.994.0026
Alberta Wildlife Carving Association “Images of Nature” Spring Carving Show and Competition.
May 1–3, 2020. Whitecroft Hall 314, 52313 Range Rd, 232 Sherwood Park. Registration Fri 4p–7p, Sat 8a–9:30a (late and out-of-town entries). Entry fees: $8 per entry. Open, intermediate, and novice levels. Categories: decorative life-size waterfowl non-floating, smoothies, champagne, songbird, super-slicks, decorative life-size, decorative miniatures, exotic North American wildlife competition, hunting decoy competition. Trophies, medallions, plus cash and purchase awards. Information and entry forms are posted on website. Contact: Glenn Maber, 780.907.0454,;
30th Pacific Brant Carving and Art Show
Apr 4–5, 2020. Parksville Community Center, 132 E. Jensen Ave., Parksville. Hours: Sat 10a–5p, Sun 10a–4p. Admission: $5. One of Canada’s best-known wildlife woodcarving competitions, including birds, fish, other carving styles and woodworking; seminars, auctions, and sales by wildlife artists, photographers, and sculptors. Contact:;
Prairie Canada Carving Championship Show and Competition
Apr 18–19, 2020. Pembina Curling Club, 1341 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg. Hours: Fri 4p–7p (drop-off), Sat 7a–8a (drop-off), 9a–4:30p, banquet at 5:30p, Sun 9a–4p. The 34th annual event showcases a variety of carvings, including waterfowl, song- and shorebirds, fish, traditional carvings, as well as stone, bark, bone, and antler carvings. Plus multiple workshops. Contact:;
New Brunswick Wood Carving Competition and Sale
Aug 7—9, 2020. Sir James Dunn Academy, St. Andrews by the Sea. Competition for carvers at all levels. Categories for all types of wood carving. Purchase awards: kingfisher in flight ($1500), blue jay ($1500), 8” Santa ($300), any whale ($300), youth carving ($150). Two theme competitions: Any heron, and cats (bird, animal, caricature, etc.). Workshops, demonstrations, carving supplies, knife carving competition. Contact: Brian Dykeman, 506.450.9571,;
Nova Scotia Wildlife Carvers and Artists Association Competition and Show
May 25–26, 2020. Cole Harbour Place, 51 Forest Hills Parkway, Dartmouth. Hours: Sat 8a–5p, Sun 9a–3p. Registration Fri noon–6p, Sun 8a–11:30a. Free admission. Competitor costs vary free to $25 per entry. Contact: Junior Gosse, 902.220.0520,;
RAZERTIP PYROGRAPHIC TOOLS—World’s finest, sharpest, most innovative burners. More information and free catalogue at See our ad on the back cover!
TUPELO—Light and white. No minimums. Cut to size. Ship UPS. Dealer inquiries welcome. Contact: Brad Ketrick, 105 Samantha Drive, Garner, NC 27529. Phone/fax: (919) 625-4070.
LOON AND CHICKS—Loon and Chicks by Laurie J. McNeil takes you step by step through the carving, texturing, and painting of a magnificent one-piece sculpture. Buy it at
BACK ISSUES AND BOOKS—Missing any back issues of Wildfowl Carving Magazine? The best way to fill in the gaps in your collection is by visiting our website, Or you can call our toll-free number, (877) 762-8034. Canadian customers please call (866) 375-7257. This is also a great way to purchase our workbench projects or the amazing Wings on the Water and Talons in the Sky reference books. You can subscribe to the magazine or join our book club, too!
KRAUSMAN’S WOODCARVING STUDIO 2020 SCHEDULE—Our 30th year in business, 22nd year for seminars. 2020 promises to be the best yet here in the UP NORTH country where nature abounds. Our schedule will be exciting & challenging with teachers which include Keith Mueller, Pat Godin, Al Jordan and Gary Eigenberger. You can now find our 2020 seminar schedule on our website—SIGN UP NOW to reserve your spot! We have over 300 sets of wildlife reference photos which include birds of prey, ducks, waterbirds, gamebirds, mammals, fish, & songbirds along with valuable measurements. Find us at for more information. Contact Pam & Jim Krausman toll-free at (877) 572-8762 or e-mail us at
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