WCM Summer 2020

On the cover:
The baby birds on the cover are by Tom Baldwin
Table of Contents
PAINTING NOTES: The Great Kiskadee
by Jerry Poindexter
(It’s your responsibility to make it really great.)
PATTERN: Great Kiskadee by Jerry Poindexter
DEMONSTRATION: Looking Up, Part One
by Jerry Simchuk
(No need to stand on your head when you carve a red-breasted nuthatch. But it might help.)
PATTERN: Red-breasted Nuthatch by Jerry Simchuk
DEMONSTRATION: Sitting Pretty, Part Two
by Al Jordan
(Let’s paint a sharp-shinned hawk.)
SHOWCASE: Mr. Feathers
by Jamie Welsh
(Daniel Montano takes a unique approach to his art.)
DEMONSTRATION: Oh, Baby, Baby, Part One
by Tom Baldwin
(How to carve baby birds.)
PATTERN: Baby Chickadee, Carolina Wren, and Cedar Waxwing by Tom Baldwin
CLASS NOTES: Golden Plover
by Rich Smoker
(Here’s what you need to get started on this shorebird.)
PHOTO FEATURE: A Look at the World
by Tom Huntington
(Some pictures from the Ward World Championship will help tide you over until next year.)
Editor's Column