WCM Spring 2021

On the cover:
Keith Hendrickson photographed his ILLINOIS RIVER-STYLE TEAL, seen here. Learn how to paint them.
by Jerry Poindexter
(The black can be deceptive.)
PATTERN: Common Raven by Jerry Poindexter
DEMONSTRATION: The Illinois River School, Part Two
by Keith Hendrickson
(Paint your new green-winged teal so it looks old.)
SHOWCASE: Carving the Archaeopteryx
by James M. Norton
(What do you get when you combine a reptile with a bird?)
DEMONSTRATION: Miniature Whooping Crane, Part Two
by Tom Park
(No big whoop—this crane is a miniature.)
BUSINESS: $elling your Work
by William Veasey
(Things you should know if you want people to buy your work.)
CLASS NOTES: Ottawa Club Teal
by Rich Smoker
(Blue-winged or green-winged? The choice is yours.)
REFERENCE: A Bird to Love or Hate
by Rick Burkman
(Blue jays may have some character flaws, but they sure look great.)
PATTERN AND COLOR GUIDE: Blue Jay by Jean Minaudier
BOOK EXCERPT: Backyard Birds
by Tom Baldwin
(Spring into spring with the American robin.)