
Seeing Red                             

The striking colors of the drake redhead are unmistakable on the water,… More

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Oh, Baby, Baby                                     

Last spring, I had two nests in my yard, giving methe opportunity to watch… More

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Looking Up                             

The red-breasted nuthatch is one of North Americas four nuthatches. These… More

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WCM Summer 2020                                       

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Strong Tail, Summer Plumage                                                               

I have carved many long-tailed ducks over the years, including one I… More

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WCM Fall 2020                                   

On the coverThe baby birds on the cover are by Tom BaldwinTable of… More

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Del Herbert Shorebirds                                                     

I find shorebirds to be some of the most fascinat ing creatures in our… More

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Golden Plover                                   

Ah, the golden plover! This is one of my favorites This particular bird… More

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Spring 2020                               

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Wood Thrush                               

Whenever I teach a carving and painting seminar, I create a handout for… More

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The Wrens of Winter                                               

Every spring, when the ground is still cold and covered by a layer of… More

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Looking Up                             

Painting is when your carving comes to life, and thats why its the stage… More

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Sitting Pretty                                     

Many carvers find painting to be their least favoritepart of this art… More

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Mr. Feathers                                 

Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last few years, you… More

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Inca Dove                           

The Inca dove (Columbina inca) is small and slender, with coloring that… More

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