
Least Bittern, Part Two                                                       

Technically, painting is merely the application of colored pigments to a… More

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A Bird with Character                                                   

I am ready to paint. I will use acrylic paints for this project. Acrylics… More

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Ruddy Love - Part Two: Painting                                                                       

In a sense, this is a decorative smoothie decoy. Before I begin the… More

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Hooded Merganser Drake                                                     

Step-by-step instructions and detailed pattern for creating a lifesize… More

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Putting the Red in Red-Tailed                                                                   

There's a great deal of diversity in the appearance of individual… More

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The Value of Value                                             

In this article, I'll discuss my efforts to improve painting skills by… More

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Pine Siskin                               

The pine siskin (Carduelis pinus) measures between 4 and 5 inches long. It… More

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Western Brilliance: The Lazuli Bunting                                                                                     

Once youve completed carving the Lazuli bunting, its time to begin what is… More

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Northern Parula Warbler, Part Two                                                                           

In the first part of this article, in the Spring 2015 issue, we covered… More

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Violet-Green Swallow                                                 

The sleek violet-green swallow (Tachycineta thalassina) has long, pointed… More

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Western Meadowlark                                             

There may be as many as three species of meadowlarks, and it is hard to… More

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Hand-Painted Kingfisher Part Two: Painting                                                                                             

You have a certain freedom when painting a smoothie because youre not… More

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Yellow-breasted Chat                                                 

The yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens) is a large wood warbler that… More

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Back to Colorado, Part Two                                                             

Acrylic paints are durable and work quickly, and I use them for all my… More

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The American Crow                                           

The American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) is the larger of the crows,… More

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