
White-breasted Nuthatch                                                       

The white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) is the largest of the… More

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Western Meadowlark                                             

There may be as many as three species of meadowlarks, and it is hard to… More

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Violet-Green Swallow                                                 

The sleek violet-green swallow (Tachycineta thalassina) has long, pointed… More

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The Vocalist                                 

It may be commonplace, but the sparrow is a worthy bird and a fine subject… More

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The Tufted Titmouse                                               

The tufted titmouse (Parus bicolor) is the largest North American… More

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The Gray Catbird                                         

Like the Northern mockingbird and the brown thrasher, the gray catbird can… More

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The Downy Woodpecker                                                 

When painting the downy woodpecker I will use both an airbrush and hand… More

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The Creeper                               

The name brown creeper (Certhia americana) may sound sinister--conjuring… More

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Swainson's Thrush                                           

Swainsons thrush (Catharus ustulatus) measures between 61/2 and 71/2… More

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Sing Out Loud, Part Three                                                           

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

(1 Votes)

Sing Out Loud, Part One                                                       

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Rose-breasted Grosbeak Part One                                                                       

Grosbeaks have always been some of my favourite birds. The rose-breasted… More

(3 Votes)

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Part 2                                                                   

Last issue I demonstrated how I carved a rose-breasted grosbeak. In this… More

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Red-crested Cardinal                                                 

The red-crested cardinal (Paroaria coronata) is a songbird that does not… More

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Red Crossbill                                   

The red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) is a seed-eating finch that measures… More

(1 Votes)

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