

Live Bird Bonus: Scrub Jay Reference                                                                                 

Want to carve a scrub jay like the one Jerry Simchuk demonstrates in the… More

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The Puffin                             

There is something magical about puffins and their auk family kin, the… More

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Pink Flamingos                                     

Some birds are recognized by almost everyone around the worldowls,… More

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North Americas northern states and southern provinces experience winters… More

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The Creeper                               

The name brown creeper (Certhia americana) may sound sinister--conjuring… More

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Beauty and the Beast                                                 

With its brilliant crimson head and crisp tuxedo-colored body, the… More

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Big Whoop                           

Humans are enthralled by birds. Whether they are flying in the skies,… More

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The Trickster                                   

Look into the eyes of a bird and a wary intelligence peeks back. Gaze into… More

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The Wrens of Winter                                               

Every spring, when the ground is still cold and covered by a layer of… More

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The Vocalist                                 

It may be commonplace, but the sparrow is a worthy bird and a fine subject… More

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Cigars with Wings                                           

Roger Tory Peterson, author of the seminal A Field Guide to the Birds,… More

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Apartment Dwellers                                             

Purple martins spend their winters in South America but nest only in North… More

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Now You See It, Now You Don't                                                                   

In the springtime, whip-poor-wills patrol a territory, settle with… More

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North American Pipits                                                   

More than 100 warbler-shaped, sparrow-sized, drab-looking birds were… More

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Ugly Duckling                                   

We know this ungainly bird as the cormorant. Extended lines of migrating… More

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